Aviation Logistics

Airports · 4 min read · Nov 26, 2021
Aviation logistics

Aviation logistics plays a vital role in a globalized world like the one we live in today. In general, the aviation industry makes it possible to transport necessary resources over long distances, thus enabling companies to extend their operations across the world. And this is not limited to goods or raw materials, and it also means human resources with the capability of providing relevant services.

All this makes the global economy grow, providing a better quality of life and increasing the living standards for all of us. But what exactly does aviation logistics involve? Keep reading as we give you essential details.

What is aviation logistics?

To better understand aviation logistics, it is essential to have the concept of logistics clear. Logistics is defined by the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP) as “that part of supply chain management that plans, implements, and controls the efficient, effective flow and storage of goods, services, and related information from the point of origin to the point of consumption to meet customers’ requirements.”

Therefore, aviation logistics refers to all the activities required to make sure the resources are moved at the right time to the correct place by air transportation, independently of whether the resources are the passengers or the cargo on the aircraft.

What is aviation and logistics management?

Aviation and logistics management refers to the activities that focus on supervising or “managing” the operations described above to move or distribute the business resources. This is why supervisors in this area are often called aviation logistics managers.

An example of a part of airport logistics: walkways for travellers and clear signs to gates above.

What are the main components of aviation logistics?

While the word aviation immediately makes you think about the main activity of air transportation which is flying, the reality is that there is much more in the logistics operations of the airlines. To make sure their business is thriving, airlines need to cover the following components of aviation logistics.

Customer service

This is common across companies and industries. However, for aviation logistics, customer service is vital, especially to guarantee there are no significant disruptions in the plans of their customers. Also, customer service involves ensuring passenger safety and comfort and the integrity and safety of cargo.

Demand forecasting

This is a critical aspect of the aviation economy. And this affects airlines, airports, and the whole air transportation ecosystem. As we explained in a recent blog post on airport terminal management, predicting the flight demand is critical for better gate planning. Still, it is also useful to improve operations efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Having the proper logistics in aviation provides the ability to use the forecast properly to make better informed and smarter decisions that will result in higher sales with reduced costs.

Ground support

This aspect of logistics is sometimes taken for granted, but it is essential for air transportation companies. Ground support usually includes handling passenger luggage or cargo, dealing with permits required by the government or corresponding institutions, and fueling activities.

Staging and security

Both staging and security are usually provided as an external service by third-party companies to support aviation logistics management. They typically involve advanced screening of airfield facilities, selecting suitable airfields for staging purposes, aircraft in secure hangar facilities, and aircraft security using armed personnel.

How important is logistics for an airport?

Aviation logistics is essential for any company involved in the air transportation system, and airports are significant players in that system. Without proper aviation logistics, the general logistics of an airport are doomed to failure because the airport would lose its ability to provide a smooth experience to the passengers that go through it.

Therefore, airports usually have a department committed to working with air transportation companies in search of opportunities to improve aviation logistics.

Also, airports and the whole air transportation system require developing different economic strategies that put aviation logistics at the core of the business.

Fortunately, technological development has made it possible to have tools and techniques that help to gain the required information to develop those strategies by analyzing the corresponding performance indicators and economic drivers.

As you may see, logistics in aviation are vital, especially for major airports dealing with high traffic.

A landing aircraft and ground support staff marshalling the airplane.

Final remarks about aviation logistics

Moving cargo by air has been growing rapidly in recent years, at it may continue growing for a long time in the future. In general, moving resources by air has proven to be a great business and even an essential aspect for any government trading aspirations.

Also, logistics has been an excellent source for jobs in aviation. Many employers are constantly in search of knowledgeable and trained personnel in the logistics area. If you search for careers in aviation, you likely find many opportunities in areas such as customer service and support, computer software that is necessary for logistics, forecasting, revenue analysis, or just logistics management. And these jobs are usually very well paid.

So, if you already have a career in any of the areas we mentioned or are interested in starting your career, the best thing to do is to continue your training and increase your knowledge.

To help you do just that, here at Aeroclass, we offer an excellent course on all the aspects that affect air transport economics. It is a convenient course where you will be dealing with real-life examples and case studies to understand different economic tools, techniques, analytical frameworks, and various economic performance indicators and economic drivers applied in the industry. Check it out now!

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