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Why are airlines allowed to overbook

Why Are Airlines Allowed to Overbook?

Airlines · 5 min read

Air travel emerged as the safest mode of transportation as a result of increasing competition and the advent of low-cost carriers push them in the struggle to generate revenue. Overbooking flights is a method used to boost revenue.

Apr 29, 2024
aircraft engineer

Why Becoming an Aircraft Engineer is a Rewarding Career

Instructors · 2 min read

If you're seeking a career that makes a difference and offers exciting opportunities to explore the world, look no further than aircraft engineering.

May 25, 2023
ann cederhall

Aviation in the 21st century: Why change is essential for the industry’s survival

Instructors · 2 min read

Aviation is a traditional industry that has been around for over a century. Despite the technological advancements and innovations that have occurred in recent years, it is often considered one of the most backward industries.

May 25, 2023
meet your instructor denis manson

Meet Your Instructor: Denis Manson

Instructors · 1 min read

Denis Manson's passion for aviation began at a young age thanks to his father's influence. . His father was a meteorologist and often took him to the airport, sparking a lifelong love of planes.

Apr 18, 2023
enda corneille expert talk

Meet Your Instructor: Enda Corneille

Instructors · 1 min read

Aviation is a complex and dynamic industry that requires hard work, determination, and adaptability. For Enda Corneille, it all began with a simple job advertisement in the newspaper back in 1986.

Apr 18, 2023

Meet Your Instructor: Jon Sinclair

Instructors · 1 min read

Our instructor Jon Sinclair's journey towards fulfilling his dream to become a pilot took longer than expected.

Apr 18, 2023
expert talk

What Can Aviation Teach You?

Instructors · 2 min read

The aviation industry just like any other, is not immune to the impact of human factors. While humans can be ingenious, they also make mistakes.

Apr 18, 2023
low-cost airlines expert talks

The Impact of Low-Cost Airlines

Instructors · 2 min read

Air travel has come a long way from the days when it was the preserve of the wealthy. In the past, air travel was expensive and only accessible to a select few, and people often traveled by sea, ferry, or coach. However, the evolution of the airline industry and the growth of low-cost carriers have […]

Apr 18, 2023

Aeroclass announces new partnership with Aerviva

Company News · 2 min read

Facilitating the career progress of both new and established industry professionals is one of the main goals at Aeroclass. We take another step towards this aim and proudly announce our new collaboration with Aerviva, an international consultancy firm specializing in recruitment services.

Mar 29, 2023
sadiya khan

Aeroclass instructor Sadiya Khan: Fell in love with aviation through air cargo

Instructors · 2 min read

Sadiya Khan never thought that she would work in the aviation industry, it was not something she came up with and wrote in her diary at school, and to some extent fell into this industry.

Jan 23, 2023
gavin eccles

Aeroclass instructor Gavin Eccles: Aviation brings people together

Instructors · 1 min read

Gavin feels satisfied with his aviation career. He remembers that one of the first things he learned in his career was that his job brings people together.

Jan 23, 2023
ricardo pilon

Aeroclass instructor Ricardo Pilon: An aviation insider since his childhood

Instructors · 2 min read

Our instructor Ricardo Pilon had a specific answer: he wanted to be the head of KLM Royal Dutch Airlines.

Jan 23, 2023

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